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From VIP 1 to 2

All VIP 1 Features +
2.5 million in-game cash added
500 score added.
500 deaths removed from stats.
helmet protection on-spawn.
1+1 score on your kill.
donor class access in-game.
1.4x faster capture zones.
/dskin to change any skin.
/dcc to change your vehicle colour.
/dweap to equip special weapons.
/dheal or /dh to restore health.
/darmour or /da to restore armour.
/dnos to add nos to your vehicle.
/dcar to spawn your bullet.
/dbike to spawn your Fcr-900.
/dtext to add a vip text label.
/bbox to your boombox and stream mp3's.
/dstyle to chose your fighting style.
/cradio stream mp3's in your car and its passengers.
VIP lobby access via /ss or base command center.

Configurable Options

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